Soarele torid de iulie pranz dezmiarda cuburile de gheata din paharele noastre de limonada de pe marginea piscinei de 6.5/2.5 m. Dupa o runda de inot, ne refugiem in foisorul din lemn octagonal, de 4/4m, construit din lemn de brad, unde ne asteapta o binemeritata gustare.
In spatele nostru, din cetatea aflata la 400 m, se aud acordurile muzicii medievale care ne vor insoti pe tot timpul Festivalului Sighisoara Medievala.
Mai tarziu vom colinda strazile cetatii medievale Sighisoara, aflata la cativa pasi departare, monument aflat in patrimoniu Mondial UNESCO, singura cetate medievala locuita din Europa si ne vom desfata sufletele cu muzică și dansuri medievale, piese de teatru, animații și teatru pentru copii, ateliere și tabere meșteșugărești, printre cavaleri, domnițe, războinici, trubaduri și menestreli.
Atmosfera medievală reală, dîn Cetatea Sighișoarei, este pentru noi un prilej de bucurie, in fiecare zi.
Casa pe care v-o propunem spre vanzare, S+P+ M, are 7 camere dispuse pe parter si mansarda,+ dependinte, fiind amplasata pe un teren de 1297 mp si este situata in inelul central , pe strada Ilarie Chendi, la 490 m de intrarea in cetatea medievala pe poarta care are acces in inima cetatii.
Vila a fost construita in anul 1940, are o amprenta de 155 mp si o suprafata utila totala de 266 mp.
Parterul si mansarda pot functiona ca doua unitati individuale, avand 2 contoare de gaz si electricitate (cate unul pentru fiecare nivel).
Incalzirea proprietatii se face cu centala termica pe gaz, si radiatoare. Casa beneficiaza si de sobe racordate la gaz, dar care pot si folosite si pentru incalzire cu lemne.
Subsolul poate fi amenajat ca si crama, in prezent fiind folosit ca si spatiu de depozitare tip camara. Subsolul ocupa toata partea de sub casa, beneficind de aerisire naturala.
Compartimentarea parterului este urmatoarea: camera 31.85 mp, camera 27.60 mp, camera 14.72 mp, camera 18 mp, bucatarie 16 mp cu iesire pe terasa, spatii de depozitare tip camara, toaleta de serviciu, baie cu cada.
La mansarda avem 3 dormitoare cu urmatoarele dimensiuni: camera 23.5 mp, camera 20.43 mp, camera 19.03 mp, baie.
Podul este inalt si permite compartimentarea si folosirea ca spatiu de locuit.
Casa are parchet din lemn masiv de stejar in toate camerele, iar intr-unul dintre dormitoare parchetul este sah stejar si paltin.
La bucatarie dusumeaua, mobila de bucatarie si lambriul cu inaltime pe 1.6 m este sunt din lemn de larice.
In contextul politic actual este util de precizat ca proprietatea beneficiaza la subsol de un buncar.
Proprietatea beneficiaza de un garaj de 83 mp, construit in anul 2000.
Va invit sa vizionam impreuna viitoarea dvs casa!
The hot July midday sun was breaking away the ice cubes in our lemonade glasses on the edge of the 6.5/2.5 m pool. After a round of swimming, we take refuge in the 4/4m octagonal wooden gazetop, built of fir- wood, where a well-deserved snack awaits us.
Behind us, from the Fortress located 400 m away, you can hear the medieval music that will accompany us throughout Sighisoara Medieval Festival.
Later we will walk through the streets of the medieval fortress Sighisoara, located a few steps away, a UNESCO World Heritage Site, the only inhabited medieval fortress in Europe and we will delight our souls with medieval music and dances, plays, animations and theater for children, workshops and craftsmen camps, among medieval dressed knights, ladies, troubadours and menestrels.
The real medieval atmosphere, in the Sighisoara Fortress, is for us an occasion of joy, every day.
The house that we propose for sale, S+P+ M, has 7 rooms arranged on the ground floor and attic, + annexes, being located on a plot of 1297 sqm, in the central ring of the city, on Ilarie Chendi Street, 490 m from the entrance to the medieval fortress by the gate that has access to the heart of the fortress.
The villa was built in 1940, has a footprint of 155 sqm and a total usable area of 266 sqm.
The ground floor and attic can function as two individual units, with 2 gas and electricity meters (one for each level).
The heating of the property is done with gas heating system, and radiators. The house also benefits from gas-connected stoves, but can also be used for wood heating.
The basement can be arranged as a winery, currently being used as a pantry storage space. The basement occupies the entire part under the house, benefiting from natural ventilation.
The division of the ground floor is as follows: room 31.85 sq.m, room 27.60 sq.m, room 14.72 sq.m, room 18 sq.m, kitchen 16 sq.m with terrace exit, storage room type pantry, service toilet, bathroom with bathtub.
In the attic we have 3 bedrooms with the following dimensions: room 23.5 sq.m, room 20.43 sq.m, room 19.03 sq.m, bathroom.
The bridge is high and allows partitioning and usage as a living space.
The house has solid oak wood parquet in all rooms, and in one of the bedrooms the parquet is chess model from oak and coat.
In the kitchen the floor, kitchen furniture and the 1.6 m tall paneling are made of larch wood.
In the current international political context it is useful to mention that the property benefits from a bunker in the basement.
The property benefits of a 83 sqm garage, built in 2000.
We invite You to see your future home together!